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发布于:2019-11-20 17:58:04发布者:天晴网友| 评论:1条

1.A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway. 奇迹就是看似不可能,却发生了。


3.Don't ask questions you do not want to know the answer to. 不要问那些你自己不想知道答案的问题



6.这是人类历史上我的新爱时刻 This is my new favorite moment in human history.

7.当你面临难题焦头烂额之时,吃个派可以帮你找到解决方法 "If you got a problem you can't solve,it helps to get out of your head."Pie.

8.注定的死亡总会在注定的时空中发生 "Where there's death, there will always be death."

9.最苦涩的真话也比最甜蜜的谎言要好 The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lies.

10.我告诉你你唯一需要记住的事,你爸爸是个英雄 I will tell you the only thing you ever need to know. Your daddy is a hero.

11.我可不这样认为 Let's agree to disagree.

12.——你就这么信了啊,这是真的 So that's the story you believe.That one was the truth.

13.——要是一切顺利的话,可能我最后得不辞而别 Hey look, if everything goes right the way we hope it does I'm gonna end up getting out of here pretty quick

14.Now that I know what you look like when you're lying. Show me what you look like when you're telling the truth?现在我知道你扯谎时的样子了,何不让我看看你讲真话是什么样

15.And just because you see a black man driving a nice car does not mean it's stolen. I stole that one. But not because I'm black.不能仅仅因为看见黑人开了辆好车就怀疑他是小偷,我是偷了这辆车,可不因为我是黑人。

16. A wise man once told me don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to. - I said that, didn't I? - Yes, sir.一者曾个智告诉我,不要问那些你不想面对的问题,-是我说的吧 -是的
