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发布于:2019-07-14 01:37:04发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条





I’ve read a book called Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen during this winter holidays. Jane Austen was unmarried all her life. She was born in a mid-class family and was brought up in a comfortable environment with harmonious surroundings, so there’s not too many conflicts in her sight neither in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice she talked different ideas about love and marriage through different characters.

The novel has told an interesting story: Mr. Bennet is an English gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire. He has five unmarried daughters but no sons while his inheritance must be inherited by a male, so Mrs. Bennet has been keen to seek husband for her daughters with great enthusiasm. One day the Bennets had a new neighbor called Bingley who was a wealthy bachelor and followed be the target of Mrs. Bennet. At a ball Bingley fell in love with Jane Bennet who’s the oldest daughter of the Bennets. Bingley’s friend

Darcy also came to the ball and struck the sights, many girls liked him while he thought all of them couldn’t suit his preference, including Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy always shows others a impression of pride, having found this Elizabeth began to hate Mr. Darcy. Before long Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth Bennett(second oldest daughter in the Bennets) because of her lovely behavior, while Elizabeth is disgusted by his pride and has a prejudice about him. The official Wickham was welcomed by the villagers, and Elizabeth also took a shine to him. Wickham told Elizabeth that his father had been the steward of the Darcys. The old Darcy had regarded Wickham as his own son and showed more love to him than to Mr. Darcy. After the old Darcy died, the property should be inherited by Wickham was all deprived by Mr. Darcy, also was his pastorate. All this increased Eli’s prejudice about Mr. Darcy. At another ball Mr. Darcy invited Elizabeth to dance with him, but Eli refused him. Eli’s elder male cousin Mr. Collin came to Hertfordshire to inherit the Bennett's property by rules, he wanted to marry with one of the Bennets. Having known that Jane was already engaged with Mr. Bingley, he asked Elizabeth to marry him but was seriously rejected. At last he proposed to Charllote who was Eli’s friend. Mr. Collins was good at flattering and he got the pastorate with the help of Lady Catherine. Once his family was invited to Rosings Garden by Lady

Catherine. Elizabeth also went there with Mr. Collin and Charllote. There she met Mr. Darcy who’s Lady Catherine’s nephew. Later in a garden, Sir William told Eli about Mr. Darcy’s latest act of dissuading Mr. Bingley’s marring Jane Bennet which caused Eli’s exceedingly anger. Then Mr. Darcy came to the Collins’ and confessed his love for Elizabeth, of course he was rejected impolitely. Afterwards Mr. Darcy wrote a letter to Eli in order to remove her misunderstandings of him. Elizabeth’s uncle and aunt were also impressed by Mr. Darcy’s politeness. Gradually Eli’s prejudice of Mr. Darcy diappeared. Eventually they became couple.

The writer Jane Austen disclosed mid-class young ladies’ different ideas of marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems ,and this undoubtedly shows the writer’s idea about love and marriage: it’s wrong to get married just for property, wealth and status while neither would it be without caring about those elements.Jane Austen just attached great significance to marriage through her novel by telling people that marriage should be regarded carefully cause it is not a game you could just enjoy without prudent consideration. She also wanted to deliver information that marriage should be based on real love between the lovers. The female subject Elizabeth is a mid-class girl, and Darcy proposed to her regardless of the gap

between them, but Elizabeth refused because of his pride had formed Eli’s prejudice. Cause Darcy’s pride was a suggest of status gap between he and Eli, he wouldn’t have the same thought with Eli and consequently the ideal marriage. But later Darcy’s doings especially his change of the prideful manner eliminated Eli’s misunderstandings and prejudice about him, and Eli accepted his proposal. Those two opposite attitudes reflect female’s pursue of independent personality and equality. I think Elizabeth has personality ethic which caused her independent idea about love and marriage and in consequence she earned a happy life. There’re also Eli’s sisters’ love stories served as contrasts to the female subject’s ideal marriage, such as Charlotte and Collin’s life: they do had a luxury life, but there’s no real love between them and this kind of marriage is surely a tragedy of society.

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