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发布于:2019-07-10 17:32:35发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条



1. Back into Britain/ re-import into Britain

2. Reliable/predictable

3. Cut down/reduce

4. Increase income/export earner

5. Power station/power plant

6. In the vicinity of/around/nearby

7. Extraction of seaweed/clean seaweed

8. Result from/cause

9. In danger/at risk

10. Comparatively/relatively

11. Explanation/explain/reason

12. Transmission of information/information pass on/information send back/transmit

13. Unnecessary/redundant/superfluous

14. Incident/event

15. Initially/originally

16. Be about to stop working/on the brink of failing

17. Be used to/by means of

18. Send messages over distances/transmit information from place to place

19. Signal strength/ strength of the signal

20. From her childhood/when she was a child

21. Her children were born/birth of her two daughters

22. Marie took over the teaching position/she was appointed to the professorship

23. Have the same property/…is true for …

24. Receive recognition/be awarded

25. Current teaching method/ modern teaching practices

26. Cooling systems/ air-conditioning/mechanical means of ventilation

27. Different/distinct/varied/reverse

28. Prevent/keep from/inhibit/stop/thwart

29. Potential/future/be expected to be/possible/likely

30. Fail to do/never/not/unable to do

31. Calculate/determine the value

32. Be worked out/be calculated

33. Realise/recognise/show/see/understand

34. Witness/view/see/observe

35. Distorted/look smeared/not circular

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