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【读后感】英文读后感之My favourite book1000字作文

发布于:2019-11-13 12:46:30发布者:天晴网友| 评论:1条

Do you know Harry Potter? It’s one of my favourite sparetime readings and it’s written by J. K. Rowling. She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was on train, “Harry just walked into my head.” She said later. She started writing the first edition of Harry Potter the next day.

Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school, he has two good friends, they are Rone and Henry.

When read the book my first time, I feel very exciting and interesting. So I read it again and again, each time I have different feelings, sometimes I even feel as if I’m one of Potter’s partners. Now there are five edition of Harry Potter published and they are very popular with young students. Books about Harry Potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven’t read the book yet, read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.

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