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by oneself 同义词

发布于:2019-07-17 18:52:48发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条

by oneself 表示独力,孑然一身,下面是小编整理的by oneself 同义词,希望对你有帮助。

by oneself 同义词

by one's own

by oneself 句子

publishing a work of joint authorship as a work created solely by oneself without the permission of the other co-authors;


Taking software developed in cooperation with another person and publishin g it as a work completed by oneself alone, without the permission of the cooperating developer;


The export invoice made by oneself means the export invoice printed by foreign trade managers themselves.


On above foundation everybody can alter by oneself, but be sure to keep in mind not to eat staple food more!


But the critical point was that in the process, we were trying to teach Benjamin something: that one can solve a problem effectively by oneself.


I thought that love is in the world the frailest thing, simultaneously is also becomes by oneself in the sentimental world the strong thing.


One should not pry into the faults of others, into things done and left undone by others. One should rather consider what by oneself is done and left undone.


I would rather oneself illusion, because I find out and have one like more me and long for conceited little woman can let you have any baffled attempt to me also by oneself really.


Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for character building.


Leaves the hometown the human looks like the willow catkin which a piece flutters with the wind, likes the way by oneself in the place pause which any likes.


Suddenly injured in the happiness as us, we came into one of nobody's corners lonelily , but want the hard thought by oneself.


This text combine PID with neural network, utilize to learn function real-time change parameter of controller by oneself neural network.


After London, by now, Shakespeare by oneself that long, must become in the world unprecedented great, immortal, the lofty cultural hero's most intense hope.


The breaking and closing course of this PMA is detailed analyzed, when the permanent magnet acts by oneself and the permanent magnet acts with the main coil.


The key point of each phase emphasized assessment, improved by oneself, and guidance individually.


Through complete and all-round health education, to improve diabetics consciousness of health maintenance by oneself, decrease complication.


So, if not implement self-repeating interventions, depressive symptoms will alleviate by oneself.


The wallflower is so titled since its weak stems frequently grow on walls and by oneself stony cliffs for support.


The patient to delirium condition also should have treatment in the light of the cause that cause, after delirium condition disappears, the patient can take food by oneself.


Being darkly medium is like the hand with an invisible, push a toilet door, it opened by oneself!


Below the condition that allows in space and pattern, also can hit this kind of similar groove by oneself, extend a space upcountry .


The mankind observation angle and content of different periods are different, all have view point and thinking designed by oneself as the designer.


Out of the ordinary you are lucky, why becomes by oneself and others is the same.


Common people will often pass the introductions of relatives and friends before the consumer behavior take placing, whether worth consuming by oneself in order to assess this product or service.


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