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发布于:2019-07-28 13:38:31发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条

1. quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言n.

2. exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of something=to give an example of something 例证 v.

3. explain=tell=say what/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go through=throw/shed light on=set out解释v.

4. outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述 v.

5. purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end目的 n.

6. encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do something=influence=encourage=talk somebody into=put somebody up to鼓励 v.

7. loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款 n.

8. poverty= being poor贫穷n.

9. crime= illegal activities in general犯罪 n.

10. reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝 v.

11. employ=give somebody a job=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.

12. courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员 n.

13. storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.

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