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发布于:2019-07-04 13:11:39发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条

Lead a team=in charge of a team

Be satisfied with=you might just be the person weve been looking for

Brush up=practice


Originate =come from

Talk to the manager=complain to the manager

A half=fifty present

Be fed up with my job=be tired of my present job

See a piece of property=a farm

Has passed away=has been died

Ideal=swift action

A finical trader=trading in finical market

A good thing=a positive thing



11 got on well with each other-----never a fight, had a great time

12 does her own housework-----you clean it up by yourself

13 be unwise to buy another house----their present house is not too bad

14 turn cold all of a sudden-----the weather turn so quickly

15 restaurant--------how about ordering some vegetables and fruits?

16 did not feel any danger ------Id go and buy things when I was 8 years old.

17 same company------I work on the 9th floor

18 looking for an appointment------can I take a look at it?

第20套题 2006.12

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