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发布于:2019-07-08 18:55:08发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条


中国作文网(www.T262.com)网友原创文章 > 英语作文

A) 单词类 1. ask - ans er 2. forget - remember 3. after - before 4. none - all 5. buy - sell 6. do n - up 7. open - close 8. late - early 9. neither - both 10. sleep - ake 11. far - near 12. come - go 13. borro - lend 14. hate - like / love 15. cry - laugh 16. back - front 17. best - orst 18. better - orse 19. busy - free 20. bad - good 21. empty - full 22. easy - hard / difficult 23. different - same 24. closed - open 25. cheap - dear / expensive26. comfortable - uncomfortable 27. rong - right 28. left - right 29. safe - dangerous 30. rich - poor 31. hot - cold 32. cool - arm 33. dry - et 34. a.m. - p.m. 35. thin - fat / thick 36. east - est 37. slo - fast 38. north - south 39. above - belo 40. noisy - quiet 41. strong - eak 42. heavy - light 43. clean - dirty 44. high - lo 45. ill - ell 46. possible - impossible 47. big - small 48. pull - push 49. here - there 50. clever - foolish 51. dark - bright / light52. young - old 53. ne - old 54. tall - short 55. upstairs - do nstairs 56. ide - narro 57. ith - ithout 58. plus - minus B) 词组类 1. be good at - be eak in 2. get into - get out of 3. turn on - turn off 4. turn do n - turn up 5. at the front of - at the back of 6. on the left - on the right 7. at first - at last / in the end 8. be a ake - be asleep 9. catch up ith - fall behind 10. fall asleep - ake up 11. get off - get on 12. in the day - at night 13. both... and... - neither... nor 14. more than - less than 15. take off - put on

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