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发布于:2019-06-28 15:46:10发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条

affiliate [ E5filieit ] (n.)a person or an organization that is attached to a larger organization 成员,联号

[例]That company is an affiliate of a prestigious holding group.

[同义词] member

(v.) to attach ( a person or an organization) to a larger organization 附属于

[例]The business is affiliated to TCL Group.

afmd (abbr.) aforementioned 上述的

[例]You can refer to afmd post address for the dispatch.

aftermarket [`B:ftE9mB:kIt] (n.) a situation where a newly issued security is traded before its real price has been established in the stock market. 二级市场

[例]?Buy shares on a healthy aftermarket.

after sight (adv) written on a bill of exchange to show that the bill should be paid within a specified time after the payer is presented within it见票后付款

[例]The bill should be paid at 60 days after sight.

against all risks (adv.) (of a marine insurance policy) providing insurance for all types of loss or damage全保险.

[例]We insuranced the cargo against all risks.

agenda [ E5dVendE ] (n.) order of topics to be discussed at a meeting会议议程

[例]The first topic on the agenda is salaries.

agent [ 5eidVEnt ] (n.) person who represents a company代理(商)

[例]Our company’s agent in Middle East has developed a widespread and mature business there.

[同义词]representative, deputy

agiotage [ 5AdViEtidV ] (n.) the business of buying and then later selling foreign currencies 套汇

[例]That guy makes a big fortune by agiotage.


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