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发布于:2019-08-05 11:04:56发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条


选择 [xuǎn zé]



1.采纳施行。 2.任用。




1.亦作"取舍"。 2.择用与弃置;选择。








1.谓拔毛取血。 2.选取,选拔。


1.挑选取用。 2.谓选日成亲。取,通"娶"。


1.搜集选取;采用。 2.采伐;采摘;开采。






1.亦作"遴选"。 2.挑选;选拔。



1. 如果你处于困境正在就如何选择适合您的孩子,我们有一些想法开始。

If you're in a pickle on what to choose for your child, we have some ideas to start with.

2. 我们的在线语言学校把中文老师带到您的面前!在线中文课程便于您根据自己的日程安排上课时间,更理想的是,您可以选择舒适方便的任何地点上课!

Learning Chinese online with us ensures that you can arrange your Chinese lessons to fit your schedule and best of all, you can learn Chinese wherever is most comfortable and convenient for you!

3. 除了选择我已经提到,人们有时会摆脱自己的问题通过使用anticholinergics ,它通过阻断神经工作发射机。

Besides the choices I already mentioned, people will sometimes get rid of their problem by using anticholinergics, which work by blocking neural transmitters.

4. 介绍了采用钎焊的方法进行连接;选择了相应的钎料与钎剂;并确定了工艺及措施。

This paper introduces the connection using the brazing technique, selects corresponding brazing filler metal and flux together with proper technology, and determines the techniques and measures.

5. 女性思想的解放,经济收入和社会地位的提高以及在工作生活中所承受的压力的不断增强,使越来越多的女性走出家门,选择以旅游的方式来放松心情并了解外面的世界。

The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world.

6. 这个时候,选择一家专业的数据恢复公司变得非常重要。

This time, choose a professional data recovery company has become very important.

7. 到了9点~11点那场,助理老师说新生可以选择回寮房继续用功,开心得不得了。

As we began the 9am session, the supervising teachers said that new students were allowed to go back to our rooms to continue the meditation practice. I was so happy.

8. 鲑鱼罐头是很好的选择,一般。

Canned salmon is a good option, generally.

9. 选择196例经外部固定或钢板螺钉、髓内针内固定治疗的连续的闭合或一级开放的下肢骨折患者,主要为股骨、胫腓骨骨折患者,在相同康复治疗下观察88例吸烟患者和108例不吸烟患者的骨折愈合和功能康复效果。

Methods:196 consecutive closed Grade I open fracture of lower limb treated with external fixation, nickelclad and bolt or intramedullary rod fixation, major is femoral bone and fracture of fibula, 88 patients who smoked and 108 patients who did not smoke had followed to union and rehabilitate in the same condition.

10. 关节镜辅助复位技术结合DCS固定技术是股骨髁间骨折的一个较好的选择。

Arthroscope-assisted technique combined with condylar dynamia nickelclad fixation is an ideal choice for fracture of femoral intercondyles, with the slightest soft tissue injury.

11. 不过,夏普给出的理由是,他们需要选择价格条件最优惠的一方。

However, the reasons given by Sharp, they need to select the most favorable price side.

12. 我们的 ContactForm 包含三个字段:一个topic,它是一个三选一的选择框;一个message,它是一个文本域;还有一个sender,它是一个可选的email域(因为即使是匿名反馈也是有用的)。

Our ContactForm consists of three fields: a topic, which is a choice among three options; a message, which is a character field; and a sender, which is an email field and is optional (because even anonymous feedback can be useful).

13. 当然,你也会有认股选择权,还有完善的医疗与牙医保险给付。

Of course, you'll also get stock options and complete medical and dental coverage.

14. 975击败一切,但成本并不能使理想的选择。

I7975 beats everything, but the cost doesn't make it ideal choice.

15. 如果你选择下载使用它,则自行承担风险。

If you choose to download and use it, you do so at your own risk.

16. 与大多数讨论资本市场逆向选择问题的文献不同,本文将沿着信息甄别的思路,运用新规制经济学的研究方法,首先对新规制经济学发展的标准逆向选择模型进行扩展,以应用到对发生在异质产品委托之间逆向选择行为的分析;然后,我们运用这个扩展的逆向选择模型讨论了激励相容的股票发行机制设计问题。

First, we expand the adverse selection model of new regulatory economics and apply it to argue the design of incentive compatible mechanism of equity issue.

17. 去年我的选择是小红牛。

Last year, my choice is: Toro Rosso.

18. 当密使们到达了君士坦丁堡并被被圣索非亚大教堂的美丽震撼之时,他们对新信仰的选择也达成了共识。

It wasn't until they arrived in Constantinople, and were so astounded by the beauty of the cathedral of Hagia Sophia, that they decided on the faith they would like to follow.

19. 对象与方法检索文献,选择ADNFLE的两种确定的突变基因CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因为候选基因,用基因测序的方法对13个家系中18例家族性特发性夜间额叶癫痫患者、23例散发性特发性夜间额叶癫痫患者及其26例一级亲属进行CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因第5外显子的突变筛查研究。

MethodsBased on the progress reported in this field, we selected two definitive ADNFLE genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons in 13 families of 18 idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases, 23 sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases and 26 first degree relatives.

20. 第二部分:特发性夜间额叶癫痫的分子遗传学研究目的选择常染色体显性遗传夜间额叶癫痫的两种确定的突变基因CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因第5外显子进行基因的突变筛查研究。

Part two Molecular genetic study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobeepilepsyObjectiveWe selected two definitive autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons.

