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发布于:2019-08-03 11:58:09发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条




37.5. Although some consider forcefulness and persistence to be two traits desirable to the same degree, I think that making a violent effort is much less useful than maintaining a steady one.

58.3. Joe spoke of superfluous and vital matters with exactly the same degree of intensity, as though for him serious mattered neither more nor less than did trivialities.

9.2. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure, relating the behavior of am organism to its physical form and cellular organization.

11.7. When theories formerly considered to be disinterested in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human construction.



The most vivid expression of such errors occurs in genetically identical( isogenic ) organisms. Even when reared under the same conditions, isogenic organisms are rarely exact copies of one another, and their differences have revealed much about the random variations that result from an organism’s limited supply of genetic information. In isogenic Daphniae, for example, even though the position, size, and branching pattern of each optic neuron are remarkably constant, there is some variability in connectivity, and the number of synapses varies greatly. This variability is probably the result of random scatter beyond the resolution of genetic control and is best termed “imprecision”, since its converse, the degree of clustering about a mean, is conventionally, called “precision”.

在该段中, “同样”的意思用了很多种表达方法:identical; same; exact copies; constant; precision

“不同”的意思也用了很多种表达方法:errors; difference; random variations; variability; varies; random scatter; imprecison


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