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发布于:2019-07-08 09:51:02发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条


notion - concept - idea 概念

characteristic - feature 特征

be characteristic of - be typical of 是….所特有的

difficult - hard - tough 困难的

area - field 领域

area - region 区域

final - last 最后的

diploma - certificate 证书

pleasing - satisfactory 令人满意的

wish - hope 希望

massive - extensive - a mass of-- plentiful 大量的

conference - meeting 会议

close - intimate -- near 亲密的

link - connect 连接

explore - investigate 调查

prior to - before 在…之前

for good - forever 永远

be anxious to do …——be eager to do……be keen to ….渴望… write down - put down 写下

try - attempt 努力

annoying - irritating讨厌的,令人生气的

boring - dull -- uninteresting 令人厌烦的

seem - appear 看起来

contented - satisfactory - satisfied 满意的

exhibit - show 展示

show - indicate表明职称英语培训

hate - dislike - be tired of - be sick of 讨厌,不喜欢

terrible--awful 可怕的

precise - accurate - exact 精确的

concise - brief -- short 简明的

propose - suggest - advise -- recommend 建议

cater for - meet - satisfy 满足

provide - supply - furnish 提供

unite - combine - join 联合, 合并

come across - run into - meet 遇到

appealing - attractive --fascinating 吸引人的

appeal to -- tempt - attract - fascinate (A 级)吸引

instruct - teach 教授(…•课程)

private - personal 私人的 vanish - disappear 消失 phase - stage 阶段 pattern - mode 模式, 式样

facilitate (A 级)-help - assist 有助于 manufacture - make - produce - turn out 制造, 生产 elementary - basic - primary - fundamental 基本的 purchase - buy 购买

deal with - cope with - handle 应付,处理

forbid -- ban 禁止

lawful - legal 合法的

unbelievable - incredible 难以置信的

diligent - hardworking 勤劳的,刻苦的

principal - chief-- leading…main 主要的,首要的

employ - hire 雇佣

fire - dismiss - send away 解雇

assume - suppose 假定

on the verge of…close to接近于,濒临于

gaze at - look at - stare at 凝视,注视

entitled - qualified 有资格的

employment - work - job 工作

encourage - inspire - push 鼓励,激励

no longer _ no mo「e 不再

admit - acknowledge 承认

allow - permit 允许

state - declare - announce 宣布,声明

regret - sorry 遗憾的

remove - get off 脱下

start - begin 开始

observe -- stick to 遵守

previous - former 以前的

maintain - hold - think 认为

cause - bring about - lead to - result in 导致

error - mistake 错误

component - ingredient - element 成分

solve - settle 解决(问题)

involve - include 包括

numerous - a number of - a lot of - abundant (B 级)-plentiful 大量的,丰富的

stay - remain保持(用作半系动词)

rest - break 休息

account for - explain 解释

examination - test 测试, 考试

examine - check up 检查, 核对

gain - put on 增加

put up - lift - raise 举起

put up - build - construct 建造

relieve -- lessen 减轻,减少

severe - strict 严厉的 sharp - acute - severe 剧烈的(疼痛) severe - hard - tough 艰苦的 quit - give up - abandon 放弃 subject - topic 话题 remarkable - exceptional - extraordinary - great - marvelous special - unusual 显著的

polite - respectful 有礼貌的 politeness - good manners 礼貌 crazy - mad疯狂的 sensible - wise 明智的

clever - intelligent - wise - bright 聪明的 (be) exhausted - (be) tired - (be) worn out 疲惫 believable - convincing -- credible 可信的 original - initial 最初的 original - creative 创造性的

competent - capable - able 有能力

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