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发布于:2019-07-28 16:10:28发问者:天晴问友| 评论:1条



1Initiative/initiate/ launch/ pioneer/introduce/ develop

2. National policy/NewZealand strategy

3. Global/international

4. Team effort/ institutional working party

5. Hypothesis/guess/ speculation/ possibility/theory/potential

6. Suitable/appropriate

7. Worldwide regulations/ international standard

8. Medical conditions/ illness/ disease

9. Place…at risk/ leave…vulnerable

10. Auditory problems/hearing loss

11. Study/carry out research

12. Machinery noise/ noise generated by machine

13. Child which have not been diagnosed/ undiagnosed children

14. Current teaching method/ modern teaching practices

15. Cooling systems/ air-conditioning/mechanical means of ventilation

16. Different/distinct/varied/reverse

17. Prevent/keep from/inhibit/stop/thwart

18. Potential/future/be expected to be/possible/likely

19. Fail to do/never/not/unable to do

20. Calculate/determine the value

21. Be worked out/be calculated

22. Realise/recognise/show/see/understand

23. Witness/view/see/observe

24. Distorted/look smeared/not circular


1. Competitive/competitors/competition

2. Achievement/success

3. Because/thus/It is… that强调句型/so

4. Rely on previous events/draw on past experience

5. A result of/ a product of

6. Pitfalls/ traps/snares

7. Exposure to …/bombard…with

8. Receptive/receive/embrace/accept/agree

9. Novelty/new experience

10. Fear/phobia

11. Embarrassment/ridicule

12. Psychological illness/mental disorder

13. Decide/decision

14. Scientific/science/technology/technological

15. Argue/argument/debate/debatable/discuss/dispute/disputable

16. Understandable/understand/reasonable

17. Be affected by/influence

18. Still exist/be still with us

19. Stop/halt/prevent/end

20. Pointless/not/no point of

21. Misrepresented/paint unreal pictures

22. The custom of speaking/ popular speech

23. Grammatical rules/ rules of grammar

24. Alternative/choice/way/replacement

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